Based on its specific reaction, SPLITTERA is a universal tool that allows to efficiently immobilize any recombinant protein in a controlled, homogenous and convenient orientation, resulting in diagnostic tests showing higher detection sensitivity.

Key Advantages

  • Universal tool for the manufacture of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) kits: Any protein can be covalently immobilized on solid support with efficient control of orientation.
  • Homogenous and convenient orientation of detection molecule.
  • Standardization of manufacturing of IVD kits. Process based on specific intein reaction.
  • Improvement of detection sensitivity: all molecules are oriented.
  • Reduced cost: less molecules of detection protein needed to achieve same sensitivity.
  • Different detection molecules on same kit: different pairs of Split inteins.
  • No modification or mutation on the functional domain of the protein.
  • Simple, Efficient and Fast.

SPLITTERA in Diagnostics

C-Int is covalently attached to a solid support, using a unique Cys or other chemical methods. Any ligand can be produced in fusion to Int-N. The specific intein trans-splicing reaction between C-Int and N-Int allows to covalently immobilize the ligand into the solid support by a unique standardized reaction. Sensitivity is increased as a consequence of the right orientation of all ligand molecules. The sensitivity is increased by 50% when using SPLITTERA, allowing to detect lower levels of the target protein.